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  • Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina

by Graf Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina PDF edition and other Graf Leo Tolstoy books available for free download from our library.


Anna Karenina is a novel by Russian author Graf Leo Tolstoy. The story of woman, who once mediated to solve family problems on account of adulteries of his brother, fall herself in a similar situation later. Anna Karenina, wife of Karenin a statesman. Infatuated, fell in love and later married to a young cavalry officer, Anna’s activities are considered as disgraceful by the society. Her plea for divorce, from her husband is realized in an ironical situation.

Unable to mingle with society unlike her young husband, she started using sedatives to sleep.  This novel is written in eight parts and explores many lives of adulteries and social issues existed in the then Russian society. Anna Karenina is considered the flawless work of literature by the literary world and memorized as one the best literary works of yester years.

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