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  • Ancient and Modern Ships

Ancient and Modern Ships

by George C. V. Holmes

Ancient and Modern Ships PDF edition and other George C. V. Holmes books available for free download from our library.


Ancient and Modern ships is a historic exploration of ship building written by George C. V. Holmes. The author mentions in the preface that indeed it was difficult to refer the old writings of ship building as they were inaccurate and provided meager details.

Even the writings based on the witness of classical ships which survived only provided importance to their pictorial effects rather than accuracy of details. However the author reveals Egyptians writings and their practice of recording and illustrating their history is far exceeds any other people of antiquity.

This book has been written in multiple volumes, this specific volume explores the basics and especially wooden sailing ships. One chapter is dedicated to Egyptian ships, introducing ship building in ancient Greece and Rome and the sailing in Mediterranean and Red seas, and also provides details on merchant ships. The reader further moved on to ships on Northern Europe seas and medieval ships.

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