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  • All's Well That Ends Well

All's Well That Ends Well

by William Shakespeare

All's Well That Ends Well PDF edition and other William Shakespeare books available for free download from our library.


All's Well That Ends Well is a comedy by William Shakespeare narrating a woman's tireless efforts to win her love. Bertram, son of Rousillon's countess is unaware of the fact that Helena, a ward of countess loves him deeply. After his father's death Bertram replaces him as attendant of King of France. Confident on her healing abilities, Helena takes up a challenge to heal the King. While a successful treatment would allow her to choose a husband from the court, failure could end in her death. She successfully cures the King and chose to marry Betram. But the real challenge starts there for Helena, as she need to prove her love to Betram by giving birth to his daughter. Could she succeeds and win the heart of Betram?.

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